Index of ESP Across Cultures 8, 2011
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Mariavita Cambria, Websearching and corpus construction of online news sites in ESP: government leaders on show at G8 summits
Hafida Hamzaoui-Elachachi & Chams-Eddine Lamri, An English course for Algerian Law and Administrative Science students
Bronwen Hughes, From docufiction to docusoap: when televised format transferral results in a change of genre
Alireza Jalilifar & Masume Hoseini Marashi, Authorial presence in single-authored research article introductions in English and Persian: a cross-disciplinary and cross-linguistic study
Alessandra Molino, A contrastive study of knowledge claims in linguistics research article introductions in English and Italian
Amir H.Y. Salama, The Pluralist Context Model in Obama’s Cairo speech: a rhetorical semiotic-cognitive approach
Christopher Williams, Legal English and Plain language: an update