Index of ESP Across Cultures 18, 2021
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Diana Al-Aghbari, Pragmatics in the ESP context: an interdisciplinary study
Richard Chapman, Questioning assumptions in English language teaching and ESP
Stefania Consonni and Michele Sala, Taboo, tabloids and Trump: the rise and twilight of a US President in digital mainstream news media
Ester Di Silvestro and Marco Venuti, Populist leaders and masculinity: a multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis of hegemonic masculinity performances on social media
Daniele Franceschi, Fostering multimodal literacy in ESP teaching: the case of lawyer-client interviews
Christopher Goddard, Legal terminology in English: the challenges of international contexts
Jennifer Lertola, Free commentary to enhance writing and speaking skills in EFL teacher training
Ian Michael Robinson, Preparing for CLIL in southern Italy and beyond: CLIL teacher training