Politica antica
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ISBN: 979-12-5995-104-5
Rivista: Politica Antica
Edizione: 2024
F.to: 17 × 24 cm.
Pagine: 156
Questo fascicolo di Politica antica unisce gli atti di due giornate di studio, una di Storia greca, Instruments of Power in the Hellenistic World, tenutasi presso l’Università degli Studi di Bergamo il 31 marzo 2023 a cura di Monica D’Agostini, e l’altra di Storia romana, New Perspectives on Elections and Electoral Competition in the Last Decades of the Roman Republic, corrispondente a una sessione della Classical Association Conference 2023 tenutasi a Cambridge il 23 aprile 2023 a cura di Eleonora Zampieri dell’Università degli Studi di Padova.
Money makes the world go round? Financial Resources as Instruments of Power in the Macedonia of Philip V
by Monica D’Agostini
From Alexandria to Helikon: King, Queen, and Koinon in the Valley of the Muses
by Alex McAuley
Antiochos III: Soft Power in War and Diplomacy
by Omar Coloru
Land-Leasing in Mylasa: Civic Resilience Through Public-Private
economic collaboration
by Stefano Caneva
Redefinitions of Power Through Narrative: Aratus, Phylarchus, Polybius, and Plutarch
by Emma Nicholson
Learning from Defeat: Sulla’s Praetorship, the Roman Populace
and its favourite spectacles
by Alexander Yakobson
Consular Elections in the Post-Sullan Decade: Ideological Conflict or Response to Social Needs?
by Eleonora Zampieri
Electoral Bribery and Political Solidarity in Late Republican Rome:
a New senatus consultum (55 BCE)
by Andrea Frizzera
The Praerogativa Centuria After Sulla and Before Caesar
by Giuseppe Zecchini
Ambitio, Avaritia, Aes Alienum and Elections in Sallust’s Bellum Catilinae
by Luca Fezzi
Roman History and Modern Sociology. Georg Simmel, Pierre Bourdieu and the Republican Competitive Election System
by Karl-J. Hoelkeskamp