n. 38


ISBN: 978-88-7228-822-1
Rivista: Invigilata Lucernis
Edizione: 2017 17,00 × 24,00 cm.
Pagine: 210
Tomi: I



Neil Adkin
The Etymology of Elysium in Virgil 

The suggestion that in Aen. 6,641 Virgil is etymologizing Elysium from ἥλιος has met with scepticism. The present note endeavours to show that such scepticism is unjustified. Evidence is also adduced to show that at the same time Virgil is proposing more suo an alternative etymology of Elysium – from ἔλευσις.

Antonella Bruzzone
L’Hylas di Draconzio fra Virgilio e Ovidio

Dracontius in his original rewriting of the Hylas myth (Romul. 2) takes inspiration – especially with regard to the role of Venus and Cupid – from two great models, Virgil (Aen. 1, 664 ff.) and Ovid (met. 5, 365 ff.). He combines their expressive, psychological and ideological suggestions in a typically Alexandrine mosaic of elegance.

Maria I. Campanale
Il testo nel testo: l’epistola Plusne dulcedinis di Guarino Veronese a Leonello d’Este

The Guarino Veronese’s ep. Plusne dulcedinis to Leonello d’Este (679 Sabbadini), is an interesting example of textual transmission of Guarino’s letters. In fact, its main section consists of the regulae studendi that many manuscripts have transmitted as an autonomous excerptum (“Ut igitur et absens”). It was necessary, therefore, the analysis of the whole manuscript tradition of the letter and of its excerpt. This examination is also based on the discovery of new manuscripts unknown to Sabbadini, that allowed a complete textual revision and new critical edition of the letter.

Raffaella Cantore
Riflessioni sull’esegesi bizantina all’Anabasi di Senofonte: scoli nei libri I-IV

The aim of this paper is to analyse the scholia on Xenophon’s Anabasis in books I-IV; they have never been systematically studied and most of them remain unpublished. We have investigated the scholia that are attested in Vaticanus gr. 1335, in Bodleianus bibl. Canon. gr. 39, in Laurentianus Plut. 55.21 and in Vindobonensis Hist. gr. 95, analyzing their form and content and their relationship with one of the two families of the Xenophon’s manuscripts: f-family.

Giuseppe Dimatteo
Pseudo-Quintilianus, Declamationes minores, 250: Sortitio ignominiosorum 

This essay offers a revised text, the first Italian translation and a detailed commentary of Pseudo-Quintilian, Declamationes minores, 250: sortitio ignominiosorum.

Antonino Grillone
Lingua e cultura nei Getica di Giordane

This article points out, with suitable examples, the inappropriateness of seeing in Jordane’s Getica some graphical or morphosyntactic anomalies, indicated by Mommsen in Lexica et grammatica of his edition: to constitute a compelling text it is sufficient to choose variants of b and c families, appropriate to the context and to the uses of the author, rather than those of a family, the only one taken into account by the famous German scholar who, not knowing the code N, could not properly evaluate the work’s manuscript tradition. The expositive and expressive uses of Jordane’s Getica, the universal remarks after specific events, the reference to social, political and military facts of author’s time, suggest he had a good cultural level, and therefore abnormal cases mentioned above depend by errors of copysts.

Ranko Kozić
Il termine drama nelle Eikones di Filostrato

The present study is an attempt to establish an immanent poetics of Philostratus’ work referred to above thorough the decipherment of the new meanings the term drama is pregnant with in the contexts bearing recognizable poetological features. An attempt has also been made to decipher the instances of author’s self-interpretation throwing additional light upon the poetics of the Eikones as well as corroborating the key facts the term drama has provided us with in our quest of the work’s implicit poetics. The applied method has also enabled us to establish the parallelisms between the Greek novel and the first manifest of symbolism in the world literature, which this Philostratus’ work in the last analysis quite unexpectedly turned out to be.

Alessandro Lagioia
Il Reg. Lat. 1625 con note al Servius auctus ad Aen. V-VI

The essay pursues the investigations started with a previous contribution on the history and content of a few folios (69r -73v ) collected in the miscellaneous Vatican codex Reg. Lat. 1625. The text of the abridged and fragmentary version of the Virgilian Commentary of Servius auctus ad Aen. V-VI is here integrally transcribed, with a series of critical and exegetical adnotations, which make it possible to improve the edition of the so called DS version in several passages. The question of the identification and the chronology of two ancient editors of Vergil – Hebrus (or Ebrius) and Cornelianus – is here re-examined on the basis of two notes by the Reg. ms. and Pomponius Laetus’s Commentary on Virgil.

Giuseppe Russo
Terenzio, Andria ed Eunuchus: paralleli lucianei e modelli menandrei

The plots of Lucian’s Dialogi meretricii 2 and 14 are partially comparable with those of two plays by Terence (Andria and Eunuchus) and provide information on the Menandrean models followed in those comedies.

Francesca Sivo
Note sull’«Elogio di Cluny» attribuibile a Rodolfo Tortario

This paper aims to analyze the Elogium Cluniaci, one of the carmina minora contained, without the indication of the author, in Codex Vaticanus Reginensis Latinus 1357 (the only witness of Rodolfus Tortarius’ works, sec. XI-XII), which have recently been ascribed by Franz Dolveck to the same author. In particular, are proposed amendments in many places, where the text published by Marbury B. Ogle and Dorothy Shullian (Rome 1933) proves to be unsatisfactory, and are discussed the intertextual relations, which emerge from the analysis of the composition.

Leendert Weeda – Marc Van Der Poel
Vergil and Gallus: political commentary in the tenth Eclogue 

This paper presents a study of Vergil’s political commentary in Ecl.10.The generally accepted literary interpretations undervalue its political content. We suppose that Vergil pursued other objectives besides expressing friendship for and paying literary homage to Gallus.We suggest that the river Rhenus refers to the Reno, and that Vergil places the fictitious story of Gallus and Lycoris in the Mantua region. Locating unhappy Gallus in Arcadia symbolizes that he does not belong to Vergil’s rural world in Northern Italia, in consequence of his involvement in the land expropriations. Like Eclogues 1, 6 and 9, Ecl.10 contains Vergil’s commentary on the destructive consequences of the expropriations.

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