ESP Across Cultures 2022
n. 19
Il volume è disponibile in Open Access cliccando qui
ISBN: 979-12-5995-020-8
Rivista: ESP Across Cultures - Rivista in Open Access
Edizione: 2022 17 × 24 cm.
Pagine: 118
imm. bn
Tünde Bajzát
The current state of teaching ESP in Hungarian Higher Education
Marisa Della Gatta
Hashtag “Stop the aggression”: strategic narratives of unsolved grievances in the Nagorno-Karabakh war
Cecilia Lazzeretti and Maria Cristina Gatti
English in Museum Communication: the case of multilingual South Tyrol
Sonia Maria Melchiorre
It ain’t come in straight lines. TV series dialogue and LGBT+ vocabulary in the English for Media and Communication classroom
Franca Poppi
Communication styles at work: how do members of different national cultures deal with information requests and directives when writing emails?
Giulia Rovelli
GATE: an Italian-English glossary of the language of academic administrations
Notes on contributors
Instructions for contributors