ESP Across Cultures 2019, n. 16

Il volume è disponibile in Open Access cliccando qui


ISBN: 978-88-7228-934-1
Rivista: ESP Across Cultures - Rivista in Open Access 17,00 × 24,00 cm.
Pagine: 186
Immagini colori e B/N




Hamid Abdalla Arabi

Move analysis of the discussion section in Arabic and English Research Articles

Paola Brusasco

Action around the green table: adapted English verbs in Italian Texas Hold’em blogs and forums

Stefania Consonni

‘You may need to read this leaflet again’: epistemic and deontic modality in US vs. Italian antidepressant Patient Package Inserts

Cristiano Furiassi

Wine terminology across cultures: the case of the pseudo-English internationalism Super Tuscan

Pietro Manzella

Blowing the whistle across languages, issues arising from the translation of ‘whistleblowing’ in sustainability reports in Italian and English

Licia Masoni

Fairy tales as metaphorical reflective narratives in EFL teacher training

NeslihanOnder-Ozdemir and HuseyinOzdemir

Empirical research articles in Applied Mathematics and Economics: two under-researched disciplines

Margaret Rasulo

Speaking for, acting for and standing for the best interest of ‘the people’: a cross-cultural analysis of political representation in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis

Michele Russo and Mariantonietta Fiore

A cross-cultural study of rural and urbanlandscapes in Russian and British poetry of the Romantic Age

Notes on contributors

Instructions for contributors