ESP Across Cultures 2015, n.12
Il volume è disponibile in Open Access cliccando qui
ISBN: 978-88-7228-800-9
Rivista: ESP Across Cultures - Rivista in Open Access
A cura di: Christopher Williams
Edizione: 2015 17 × 24 cm.
Pagine: 144
Immagini b/n e col.
Francesca Bianchi
The narrator’s voice in science documentaries: qualitative and quantitative analysis of subtitling strategies from English into Italian
Barbara Cappuzzo
Allo-repetition in academic settings. Cooperation, understanding co-construction and knowledge negotiation in the medical section of the ELFA corpus
Marta Degani
An investigation of American opposing political cultures in the speeches of Barack Obama and John McCain
Christopher Goddard
The pragmatic dimension of competence in ESP in cross-cultural legal contexts
Lynn Rudd and Antonietta Bagnardi
The development of a corpus-based learning object to improve written English language skills in Italian computer science PhD students
Federico Sabatini
Language, knowledge and community in museum discourse: Tate and GAM
Marco Venuti and Chiara Nasti
Italian and UK university websites: comparing communicative strategies
Notes on contributors
Instructions for contributors