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ISBN: 978-88-7228-862-7
Collana: CUEBC - Scienze e Materiali del Patrimonio Culturale - 12
A cura di: Cristina Sabbioni, Roger-Alexandre Lefèvre
Edizione: 2018 21,00 × 30,00 cm.
Pagine: 134
Tomi: 1
Immagini a colori
Table of contents
E. Fernandez-Galiano, R.-A. Lefèvre, C. Sabbioni
A. Bonazza
Cultural Heritage in the Italian Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change
R.-A. Lefèvre
Le Patrimoine Culturel dans le Plan National Français d’Adaptation au Changement Climatique
P. Brimblecombe
Policy Relevance of Small Changes in Climate with Large Impacts on Heritage
A. Gómez Bolea & J. C. Peña Rabadán
Bioprotection of Stone Monuments under Warmer Atmosphere
J. Leissner, R. Kilian, F. Antretter, Z. Huijbregts, H. Schellen & J. Van Schijndel
Climate Change Modelling and whole Building Simulation as a Tool for Assessing Indoor Climates in Buildings
T. Mikkonen
Cultural Environment as a Resource in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Ł. Bratasz
Towards Sustainable Climate Control in Museums. Global Climate Change, Risk and Energy consumption
S. de Courtois, D. Mirallié & J.-M. Sainsard
Le Jardinier et le Projet, pour une Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques
E. Korka
Natural Disasters and Risks in World Heritage Monuments of Greece. Lessons Learnt
D. Camuffo, F. Beccherini & A. Della Valle
Climate Related Challenges for Venice: Lessons from the Past, Solutions for the Future?
C. Daly
Informing Heritage Policy in an Uncertain Climate. Reflections from Ireland
F. Neto &S. Pereira
Listening to the STORM: Preliminary Survey to Identify Needs in Risk Management Policies for Cultural Heritage Endangered by Natural Hazards
P. Bianconi
Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change: Strategies and Activities Plan
E. Rossoni-Notter, O. Notter, É. Gilli, P. Simon, S. Simone & E. Pons-Branchu
Patrimoine Culturel et Changement Climatique au Travers des Recherches Paléolithiques: l’Exemple de la Région Liguro-Provençale
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