New themes in the Study of Roman South Italy

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ISBN: 978-88-7228-726-2
Collana: MUNERA - 38
A cura di: Alastair M. Small
Edizione: 2014 17 × 24 cm.
Pagine: 336
Immagini b/n


Il volume contiene gli Atti di una conferenza tenutasi ad Edimburgo nell’ottobre del 2012 in seguito alla pubblicazione di Vagnari. Il villaggio, l’artigianato, la proprietà imperiale / The village, the industries, the imperial property (Edipuglia 2011) nell’intento di esplorare temi che collocherebbero Vagnari in un contesto più ampio. Alcuni contributi presentano nuove evidenze da Vagnari e dal territorio circostante; altri sono incentrati sugli scavi e sulle indagini sul campo condotte in diverse parti dell’Italia centro meridionale che possono essere associate alle indagini a Vagnari; un ultimo gruppo si sofferma sul contesto storico e culturale: la “romanizzazione”, il declino dei Peuceti, lo sviluppo delle proprietà imperiali in Puglia, e l’ideologia dei possedimenti imperiali nonché il loro ruolo generale nel possesso terriero in Italia.


Ulrike Roth
Beyond Vagnari: a small achievement

Alastair M. Small

Douwe Yntema
Romanization and south-east Italy  

Edward Herring
“The ties that bind”: ethnicity and social cohesion in Hellenistic Central Puglia

Bice Peruzzi
The (d)evolution of grave good assemblages in Peucetia in the 3rd century BCE

Saskia T. Roselaar
Economic developments and the integration of southern Italy in the Roman Republic

Alastair M. Small
From Silvium to Vagnari: sheep, wool and weaving on the saltus                      

Carola M. Small
Vagnari and the Basentello Survey. A brief summary

Alastair M. Small
Tile stamps of privati from the Basentello valley field survey

Maureen Carroll
Vagnari 2012: New work in the vicus by the University of Sheffield

Alan Dalton
The excavation of the cistern at Vagnari: an update

Liana Brent and Tracy Prowse
Grave goods, burial practices and patterns of distribution in the Vagnari cemetery

Tracy Prowse, Chrystal Nause and Marissa Ledger
Growing up and growing old on an imperial estate: preliminary palaeopathological analysis of skeletal remains from Vagnari

Myles McCallum and Hans vanderLeest
Research at San Felice: the villa on the imperial estate

Philip Kenrick
Domestic pottery at Vagnari: regional character and Adriatic connections

Alessandra De Stefano
The presence and circulation of lamps at Vagnari and in the valley of the Basentello

Giacomo Disantarosa
Contextualizing the context: amphorae from the site of Vagnari and from the Basentello valley

Myles McCallum and Adam Hyatt
A view of Vagnari from across the Basentello: initial results from the BVARP survey, 2012

Maria Luisa Marchi
The landscape of Daunia: Ager Venusinus               

Helena Fracchia
Rural agglomerations in the Upper Bradano Valley

Maurizio Gualtieri
The villa at Masseria Ciccotti in the 3rd century AD

Helga Di Giuseppe
Imperial estates in inland Lucania

Edward Bispham and Susan Kane
The Middle Sangro Valley under the Empire: a productive landscape?

Darian Marie Totten
Building regional connections in Late Antique southern Italy

Marcella Chelotti
The development of imperial properties in the Second Augustan Region from the 1st to the 3 rd century AD

Marcella Chelotti and Alastair M. Small
APPENDIX. An updated location map of inscriptions relating to imperial slaves and freedmen in Regiones II and III

Nicholas Purcell
‘No two characters seem more inconsistent than those of trader and sovereign’ (Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, V, 2, I). The problem of Roman imperial estates

Pasquale Rosafio
Vagnari, an outline of the imperial estate

Domenico Vera
Imperial estates in Late Roman southern Italy: land concentration and rent distribution

Pasquale Favia
The Alta Murgia and the Basentello valley between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: transformation of the countryside and changes in settlement in inland Central Apulia




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