ESP Across Cultures 2012, n.9

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ISBN: 978-88-7228-696-8
Rivista: ESP Across Cultures - Rivista in Open Access
A cura di: Christopher Williams
Edizione: 2013 17,00 × 24,00 cm.
Pagine: 192
Tomi: 1
Imm. B/N



Mahmood Reza Atai & Hossein Talebzadeh
Exploring visual and textual discourse of applied linguistics PowerPoint conference presentations

Alexandra Bagasheva
English for Language and Linguistics: the status of ESP/ESAP across (disciplinary) cultures in a Bulgarian philological department

Sibo Chen
TV drama and lexis: a corpus-based lexical diversity study

Yu-Ling Chung
Game localization: the script translation of casual games on Facebook

Sabrina Bonqueves Fadanelli
Linguistic issues in interpreting for non-native speakers of English in legal environments: an overview on existing research and laws

Viviana Gaballo
Exploring the boundaries of transcreation in specialized translation

Mohammad R. Hashemi & Esmat Babaii
Exploring the nature of mixing methods in ESP research

Ineta Luka
Facilitating the development of tourism students’ intercultural language competence in an ESP course

Elisa Mattiello
Abbreviations in English and Italian scientific discourse

Pei Lee Yeoh
The ideological metaphorization of precedents in sedition law in Malaysia

Notes on contributors

Instructions for contributors