
Studi e testi di letteratura cristiana antica


ISBN: 978-88-7228-560-2
Autori: NULL AA.VV.
Edizione: 2011 17,00 × 24,00 cm.
Pagine: 508
Tomi: 1


M. Marin, Antonio Quacquarelli e la retorica antica

I. Studi

M.A. Barbàra, Il tema della conversione nelle Epistole di Basilio di Cesarea
In the Epistles the reflection by Basil on μετάνοια and ἐπιστροφή began in 364 and became more and more frequent from 373 to 377. The letters by Basil about these issues often relate to the biblical vocabulary (particularly to the vocabulary of NT) and to the Pauline theology. The semantic richness of the word ´conversion´ is expressed through verbs like μεταλαμβάνειν and καινοτομεῖν, both used in positive and negative sense.

C.C. Berardi, La Dedica di Sozomeno a Teodosio II (H.E. 1-21): aspetti innovativi nella storiografia cristiana
Scholars very often tend to consider Sozomen an imitator of Socrates. This paper aims to demonstrate that, according to Sozomen, imitation is variety not replication. It clearly appears at the beginning of the work in the long dedication to the emperor Theodosius II. By comparing this text, another passage (9, 1-3) of the historical work by Sozomen and two passages of the historical work by Socrates (7, 22; 42-44), all focused on the young emperor Theodosius II, one can see substantial differences between the works by the two historians not only in form, but also in content.

A. Bisanti, In margine a due testi agiografici alto-medievali (Vita Barbati; Passio Sanctorum Septem Dormientium)
The Vita Barbati and the Passio Sanctorum Septem Dormientium are two hagiographical texts of the Early Middle Ages. Particularly, the Passio Sanctorum Septem Dormientium narrates a story so well-known in the Middle Ages, that we can read it in the works by Gregory of Tours, Paul the Deacon and Jacob of Varagine. In this paper the Author explains style, language, descriptiones personarum, use of the cursus and rhetoric topics of these two texts, in order to demonstrate how some hagiographical texts have not only historical and religious significance, but also a real literary value.

F.M. Catarinella, Terasia, ovvero la ‘sposa apportatrice di fortezza’
This paper focuses the figure of Therasia, Paulinus of Nola’s wife and partner in asceticism. In Nola Therasia and her husband founded a community based on spirituality and prayer, continentia and penance. In the Christian literature of the 4th and 5th centuries there are several documents about the importance of Therasia in Paulinus of Nola’s life and in the western female monasticism. Augustine celebrated her as a ‘bride bearer of strength’. Paulinus resumed and used the same image in reference to the story of Apro and Amanda.

M.P. Ciccarese, Intellegentiae fores. Scienze naturali ed esegesi biblica in Agostino
This paper investigates the importance of knowledge of the ‘nature’ of animals, plants and stones, in order to correctly understand Scripture’s teaching. According to a modern conception of science, Augustine preferred direct observation and experience to book-learning and popular beliefs.

M. De Gaetano, Simbologia animale e lettura storica del mito in Drac., Romul. 8, 453-480
The paper treats the animal symbology in an omen described by Dracontius in the De raptu Helenae. By an intertextual analysis the Author focuses the relationship between Dracontius and the grammatical tradition of Late Antiquity (particularly Servius). Such relationship seems to show that the African grammarians of the late 5th century were inclined to give an historical meaning to the Trojan myth, basing the development of the history of Rome upon it. But Dracontius’ historical perspective is different from the pagan one because of the influence of Christian historical thought.

M.F. Di Pietro, L’ora del canto del gallo: il gallicinium
The cock-crow’s ambiguous characterization influenced the phase of the night called gallicinium. In Latin culture this term was intentionally used in disquieting contexts because of its ambiguity. On the contrary, in Mediaeval literature, it was regularly connected with the divine forces of redemption. The reason of such a symbolic alteration of the term is the mystical and allegorical interpretation of St. Peter’s story, which re-semantizes the gallicinium by connecting it to the idea of reformation and redemption.

M. Doldi, L’uomo, figlio di Dio in Agostino
The Author examines the theme of deification/filiation in Augustine’s
works. This theme has profoundly influenced the subsequent doctrinal tradition.

S. Margarino, Girolamo sapiente agricoltore della terra promessa. Esegesi profetica del fico, della vite e dell’ulivo
Starting from Jerome’s Commentary of Habakkuk 3, 17, the paper analyses Jerome’s exegesis of the fig tree, the olive tree and the grapevine. The presence of some interpretative constants throughout Jerome’s writings prove the interchangeability of the symbolical meanings of the three plants. All these meanings derive from Origen’s thought.

A.V. Nazzaro, Il De Vita sancti Martini di Paolino di Périgueux e le lettere di dedica a Perpetuo
This paper examines Paulinus Petricordiensis’ De vita s. Martini, particularly the proems, the proems in the middle of the poem and the two preface letters to Bishop Perpetuus, showing that the epic paraphrase accentuates the edifying character of Sulpicius’ narratio. The analysis confirms the three stages of composition of this hagiographic epos (books 1-3. 4-5 and 6) and discloses that the first letter to Perpetuus is the preface only to the sixth book, which narrates Martinian posthumous miracles. According to the Author’s opinion, there is no doubt that Paulinus Petricordiensis was fully conscious of his paraphrastic operation that he called now translatio (4, 1) now transcripta oratio (5, 873).

L. Piacente, Un tal Cicerone? (Aug. conf. 3, 4, 7)
The Author of this paper restores and reinterprets a well-known passage from Augustine’s Confessiones (3, 4, 7 perveneram in librum cuiusdam Ciceronis), that many scholars have attempted to explain in different ways. He suggestes to resume from the handwritten tradition the ancient reading perveneram in librum quendam Ciceronis, that is suitable to the context.

B. Piselli, Dalla Bibbia secondo Giraudoux: il giardiniere e la rosa nell’Eden
The paper focuses biblical sources in Sodome et Gomorrhe by Jean Giraudoux. Particularly, the mission of the gardener is considered a promise of redemption for the humanity, just like the crucifixion of Christ. Then the Author highlights the influence of the Gnostic theme of the androgyne on Giraudoux.

P. Ressa, Sunt montes boni, sunt montes mali: interpretazioni patristiche della montagna
Ancient Christian writers made many references to the theme of the mountain, because of the massive presence of this image both in the Ancient and in the New Testament. This study examines the meanings of the mountain in the Greek and Latin Fathers, identifying the presence of a double level of meaning. Finally the paper considers the mountain as a symbol of spiritual ascent.

C. Ricci, Maria Maddalena, donna di luce
This paper touches briefly on a few topics connected to Mary Magdalene, starting from gospel texts, then passing to the extended scope of the apocryphal texts’ tradition. Finally the Author gives some examples for showing the common features of a truth that has been handed down to us by the ancient documents.

M. Veronese, La dottrina della creazione del mondo negli scritti priscillianisti
Several texts attributed to Priscillian or to his followers deal with the creation of the world. The Author studies the description of the Tractatus Genesis, comparing it with other priscillianist texts: the Benedictio super fideles, the two apologetical works of the Würzburg corpus, the Canones in Pauli apostoli epistulas nr. 5 and nr. 8 – the only work certainly attributed to Priscillian –, and the spurious De creatione mundi. In this paper the Author seeks to identify similarities and differences in the above described texts with regard to the creation of the world and to compare them with the ancient sources, that describe the Priscillianist sect as a dualistic heresy.

II. Didattica e Territorio

A.D. Agostinelli, Alcune note sull’iscrizione del battistero di S. Cecilia in Trastevere a Roma
The discovery of two architrave’s pieces in the Church of S. Cecilia in Trastevere give us the possibility to complete a baptismal inscription. Starting from the analysis of some late 10th century additions to an English manuscript, that seem to hand down the same text, this note tries to explain the diffusion of this epigraphic text in England in the 10th century.

M. Marin, La morte dell’amico in antichi e moderni racconti 407-428
In the fourth book of his Confessions Augustine painfully recalls the death of his friend; the same theme recurs with different tones and developments in contemporary fiction, in Italy (Andrea De Carlo, Federico Moccia, Alessandro Baricco, Francesco Carofiglio) and abroad (Fred Uhlman, Murakami Haruki). The paper intends to compare the pages of early Christian literature with texts from different countries and ages that offer the same existential subject. The outlined plan aims at inducing pupils and students to rediscover the fundamental texts of the ancient world.

A. Nasuti, Il santuario di San Michele a Monte S. Angelo: tradizioni popolari 429-447
The paper treats some oral traditions referred to Saint Michael’s Sanctuary in Monte S. Angelo during fifteen centuries. The Author analyses not only traditional prayers, proverbs, legends, but also pilgrims’ symbols.

G. Sansone-M. Trotta, Angeli che cambiano di luogo. La porta bizantina di San Michele al Gargano
Two bronze Byzantine doors have adorned the entrance to St. Michael‘s Grotto since 1076. The analysis of the 24 panels of the doors proves that nobody had modified or altered their original order until the last decade of the 17th century. Nowadays the sequence of the left door’s panels seems to be different from that of the end of the 17th century.

III. Rassegne

A. Sanfilippo, La prima edizione del Certamen Patristicum di Acireale. Una nuova iniziativa nel panorama scolastico nazionale

V. Scipinotti, Recenti studi sulla veterinaria antica e medievale

V. Zanghi, Prima Settimana della Scuola di studi Agiografici (Rieti, 8-12 giugno 2009). Convegno internazionale San Francesco d’Italia (Rieti, 12-13 giugno 2009) 491-496

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