Studi e testi di letteratura cristiana antica
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ISBN: 978887228519X
Autori: NULL AA.VV.
Edizione: 2009 17,00 × 24,00 cm.
Pagine: 336
Tomi: 1
M. Marin, Forme letterarie dei primi secoli cristiani
I. Studi
C.C. Berardi, Barbari exsecrati gladios suos ad aratra conversi sunt (Oros., adv. pag. 7, 41, 7). Il tema della pacificazione dei barbari tra IV e V sec. d.C.
The sentence barbari exsecrati gladios suos ad aratra conversi sunt (Oros., adv. pag. 7, 41, 7), a quotation from Is 2, 4, becomes a popular topos among the Greek and Latin writers in the 4th and 5th centuries and shows the progressive evolution of the authors’ behaviour to the barbarians. On the one hand, in several Greek and Latin texts, the Romans and the barbarians continue being considered good and evil respectively. On the other hand, some authors think that ethnikoi can give an economical and military contribution to the Roman Empire. Particularly, Orosius refuses every discrimination against the barbarians, in accordance with the new tempora christiana.
A. Bisanti, Prudenzio nel X secolo. A proposito di alcuni studi più o meno recenti
Prudentius’ poetical works had large diffusion during the Middle Ages, particularly in the 10th century (e.g. in the Waltharius and in the works by Flodoard of Reims). The first part of this essay presents Prudentius ’ figure and poetical works. The second part draws the main lines of the diffusion of his poetical texts. The last part analyses three recent essays, concerning Prudentian influence upon a short poem, included in the Antapodosis by Liutprand of Cremona, the six comedies of Hrotsvit of Gandersheim and the satirical poem Ecbasis cuiusdam captivi per tropologiam respectively.
M.P. Ciccarese, I salici di Babilonia (Ps 136, 2). Ambivalenza simbolica e antiche tradizioni
Early Christian exegesis of the willow in the Bible depends both on the close connection with water (Hermas) and on the classical image of the willow, as a sterile tree (Homer), that makes sterile whoever eats it (Pline). Anyway the willow is an ambivalent symbol: on the one hand, it represents worldly people, addicted to earthly pleasures and unable to do good deeds (Augustine); on the other hand, it indicates the virtue of chastity (Methode), particularly when it is identified with the chaste-tree (Lev 23, 40).
L. Dalmon, Problèmes d’édition et/ou de traduction liés à la pratique de l’emphase stylistique dans un groupe de lettres épiscopales et pontificales du début du Ve siècle
The set of ten official letters exchanged between African and Roman Churches in the days of the Pelagian controversy (416-418) belongs to the so-called «chancery tradition». The main difficulty of this epistolography comes from the delicate blending of stylistic sophistications and abstractions and from an increasing number of analytic forms , which tend to deeply obscure the meaning of the sentence. After having drawn up a typology of the most frequently met linguistical phenomena in our corpus, the Author advances hypotheses liable to explain this ornatus full of trimmings and involvements.
R. Infante, Feste, lezionari giudaici e quarto vangelo
Have Judaic festivities and the synagogal lectionary taken any role in the formation and the organization of the Fourth Gospel? This study tries to give an answer , starting from the researches on the Judaic lectionary that have supposed its direct influence on the formation of the New Testament. The surveys into the Judaic worship and into the Synagogue history reveal the complexity of this hypothesis. Actually it doesn ’t exist the evidence of the existence, during the I century C.E., of an established, annual or triennial, lectionary. Even if one can appreciate a possible influence of the Judaic liturgy on the first Christian communities worship, it is essential to open the door to other hypothesis, such as the existence of scriptural testimonia, a better adhesion to Jesus’s historical reality or the probable sacerdotal background of the fourth evangelist.
V. Lomiento, La dinamica degli affetti nel racconto di conversione: il timore nelle Confessioni agostiniane
The narration of a conversion (i.e. the transformation of a man who is the same but no longer the same) requires a mutable lexicon for the representation of changing emotions. Just as desire, joy, fear, sadness change after the conversion, so the words desiderium, laetitia, timor, tristitia have not the same meaning at the end of the story. In Augustine’s Confessions the different meanings of timor correspond to the stages of conversion, described by the autobiography and the biblical exegesis. Having adapted the emotion to the age, Augustine recognizes it as a manifestation more and more clear of the Spirit.
M. Marin, Gli eretici fra realtà e simbolo nei Moralia in Iob di Gregorio Magno
The Author probes in the Moralia in Iob by Gregory the Great the theme of heresy. In accordance with an allegorical interpretation, Job’s friends figure the heretics. In fact as they pretend to give good advice, they seduce from the rightful doctrine. Gregory’s opinion about the heretics regards both spirituality and morality: when the heretics break with the Church, they sin against Christian morals and doctrine. Suffering for the persecution by the heretics, the Church hopes and prays that they become converted and go back to the rightful faith.
M. Marin, Riflessioni intorno alla retorica della verità nella cristianità antica
The paper, based on the binomial rhetoric/truth, develops two themes. On the one hand, it examines how the Christian writers confuted the pagan intellectuals who criticized the Holy Scriptures to be lacking in expressive efficacy and unable to express the truth. On the other hand, it analyses what several Christian literates thought about the utility of the traditional education and about the possibility/opportunity to use the rhetoric as a way of persuading to agree to the truth.
M. Neri, Spigolature ruriciane in una recente edizione dell’epistolario di Ennodio
The Author corrects two loci of the Introduction to the last edition with French translation of Ennodius’ letters collection by Stéphane Gioanni (Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2006). In a letter to Ruricius (Faust. Rei., epist. 10), the bishop Faustus of Riez implicitly identifies the addressee with Abraham, calling Sarra Ruricius’ wife. The real name of the woman was not Sarra, as Gioanni affirms, but Iberia. In addition, the Author criticizes Gioanni’s reference to a letter addressed by Ruricius to Pomerius (Ruric., epist. 2, 10), in order to explain the Ennodian callida iunctura: utriusque bibliothecae fibul (Ennod., epist. 2, 6, 2), concerning the same Pomerius.
P. Podolak, Un inno dello Ps. Dionigi l’Areopagita? Alcune osservazioni sul Carme 1, 1, 29 attribuito a Gregorio di Nazianzo
The paper consists in the analysis of the manuscript tradition, in accordance with M. Sicherl’s investigations, and in the critical edition of a short poem included in the Carmina by Gregory of Nazianzus (1, 1, 29). In addition, the Author justifies his textual choices not only on the basis of the extensive indirect tradition, the content and the formal aspects, but also in relation to the most recent conjectures. Finally , the Author examines the vexata quaestio of the poem’s authorship and origin.
P. Ressa, L’eresia argomento di polemica anticristiana in Celso, Porfirio e Giuliano
Celsus, Porphyry and Julian the main antichristian polemists challenged all the aspects of Christianism they felt in contrast with the pagan culture. This paper analyses their use of the theme of heresy as a polemic argument against the Christians, paying particular attention to the terminology, to the ideas about the origin and the development of heresy and to the direct mention of heretics and heresies.
D. Scaramuzzi, Un’inconsueta ricezione di Agostino ne L’Uomo Apostolico di p. Gaetano M. da Bergamo
The paper analyses the reception of some passages of Augustine’s De doctrina christiana in the work L’Uomo apostolico istruito nella sua vocazione al pulpito per il Ministero della Sacra Eloquenza by Father Gaetano from Bergamo, in relation to the 18th century debate about the holy rhetoric and the preacher formation. The confrontation between the texts by Augustine and the ones by Father Gaetano displays not only textual differences, but also unusual and strategical tamperings, testifying a premeditated exploitation of the model. This arbitrary use of the De doctrina in Father Gaetano’s work shows both Augustine’s pivotal role and the infuence of the rhetorical debate about tipical modern themes, such as central and often unilateral learning through experience.
M. Veronese, Tempora grauia et periculosa: il caso Priscilliano
The first part of the paper describes the life of Priscillian on the basis of the historical and literary sources. In the second part, the consequences of the trial against Priscillian and his supporters are analysed: the death sentence of Treviri did not stop the priscillianistic movement, but exacerbated the indiscriminate persecution against ascetics; peace was not restored within the Church, tensions and divisions kept increasing; the usurper Maximus did not find support either by bishops or in the imperial court. In the final part, after having analysed the ancient and recent definitions of Priscillianism, the Author examines the movement by setting it against its historical background.
M.C. Viggiani, La figura del santo come flos Christi nell’immagine della rosa tra Bibbia e agiografia
The image of the rose and, generally, of the flower has a great symbolic value in the martyrial and hagiographic literature. In addition to some passages from the Holy Scriptures (Sir 50, 24 and 39), the famous extract of Ct 2, 1-2, interpreted by the Origenian exegesis (hom. Cant. 2, 6), seems the starting point of the literary and iconographical diffusion of the symbolic binomial flower/Christ . In patristic exegesis the flower becomes imago Christi and, in relation to Christ’s blood, the symbol of the martyrs and the Saints. Besides, figuratively, the rose indicates the instruments of torture and, metaphorically, the virtues of the Saints. Finally the rose becomes the most important element of the virtues’ meadows.
II. Didattica e Territorio
F. Bloise, Ritorno alle origini: recenti studi sul primo cristianesimo
The note examines some volumes of a recent Italian editorial series, successfully applied both to the historical research and to the popularization of history. Particularly, the Author shows how some very good essays make available the complex theme of the construction of early Christian identity even to an inexpert audience.
R. Chirolli, La poesia cristiana in lingua latina: modelli generi autori. L’esperienza di una classe V del Liceo Scientifico G. Marconi di Foggia
The Author, a teacher at Liceo ‘G. Marconi’ in Foggia, gives an account of the didactical results of the 9th Ancient Christian literature Lectures and Seminars course held in Foggia in January-April 2007, in order to introduce the high school students to the study of Latin Christian poetry.
S. Margarino, Agostino. L’uomo, il teologo, lo scrittore. Convegno di Studi (Imperia Porto Maurizio, 5-6 novembre 2005)
During the first session of the Meeting of Studies Agostino. L’uomo, il teologo, lo scrittore, L.F. Pizzolato treated the theme of the pursuit of human identity in relation to God and C. Mazzucco analysed Augustine ’s progressive approach to the Holy Scriptures. In the second session, G. Ceriotti developed the problem of evil in Augustine’s vision and S. Isetta explained the subject of the double prospective of the time in relation both to the each individual and to the whole humanity.
V. Procaccini, Il primo ciclo della Lectura Patrum Fodiensis
The author gives an account of the first Lectura Patrum Fodiensis’ course, held in Foggia in April-May 2007. The five lectures, concerning Augustine, have been given by A.V. Nazzaro, L.F. Pizzolato, F.M. Catarinella, F.P. Tamburrino and M. Marin respectively.
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